Disparity Trap Board Game

Created by Christian Telesmar

The dice are in your hands, but the odds are not!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 04:27:50 PM

Thank you for being an initial supporter of the Disparity Trap Board Game.

We are working diligently with our developer team to get the board game uploaded to the Google Playstore and the Apple app store. This stage of the process is unpredictable because it is fully reliant on the Google and Apple approval teams' schedule. And once they do review the app they then return with feedback on things that need to be added or updated!

Based on our feedback from the app store team we are expecting a August 15th delivery date for the Beta version of the virtual board game (Web app, Android and iPhone). The hard copies of the game are still on schedule and expected at our fulfillment center by middle of September. Then we will begin organizing, labeling and delivering over 10,000 hard copies of the Disparity Trap board game to your homes by the end of September/beginning of October. 

Though you can technically download the game from the Google Playstore right now, we ask that you wait for our official email to begin downloading so as not to negatively affect your free voucher code.

In that official announcement email we will provide a discount voucher to all Kickstarter backers and pre-orders up until July 31st 2022. So if you're reading this before then and haven't made a pre-order yet, or have some friends who haven't made a pre-order yet, they have just 2 more weeks to receive a voucher for free access to a paid subscription. That voucher email will go out on, or around, August 15th.

Those individuals who have a voucher will have full access for 3 months to create/host virtual games (both public rooms and private rooms), as well as join others' public and private virtual game rooms.

Those who do not have a voucher for a paid subscription can still download the app, register an account and play for FREE but they won't be able to create/host their own private or public game rooms. The free subscription users will need an invite to join a private game room or they can choose to join one of the public game rooms available to play. Both paid and free subscribers will also be able to spectate game rooms to watch others play & chat.

Once the official email is sent out, subscriptions can be purchased within the app at any time for $14.99/year.

For those who don't want to play on their phone, there will be a website version available, so that you can play on your desktop or laptop. That will be published at the same time as the mobile app versions.

Thank you again for your patience and commitment to the Disparity Trap board game!

While you wait a bit longer, please enjoy these screenshots from the mobile game and a preview to the official rulebook that's made for the hardcopy game and applies to the virtual game as well.

Preview the Rulebook: https://api.disparitytrap.net/public/pdf/gameRules.pdf

Screenshots from the mobile version of the board game:

         We are so close and very excited to have you begin playing the game online.  


         Team Disparity Trap

over 2 years ago – Sat, May 14, 2022 at 03:11:18 AM

Hope everyone is having a beautiful Spring! 

We really appreciate all of our initial supporters of the Disparity Trap board game!

We wanted to provide an update, especially since there seemed to be an old update that was recently emailed out to backers and we wanted to make sure you had the most correct and current information. 

To answer your biggest question directly, we will be sending out links to download the beta version of the mobile game by the end of June. This is free to all backers and pre-orders.

You will receive an email from our team to the email address we have on file when the time comes. Please check your original order confirmation email to make sure we have the correct email address on file and send us an email at [email protected] if you would like your email to be updated. 

Your confirmation email would have come from Kickstarter (if you backed the Kickstarter between April and May), Backerkit (if you pre-ordered between June and August) and Shopify (if you pre-ordered between September to present). 

The email will have "Disparity Trap" in the subject title, so a keyword search of that name should show the email in your inbox (or spam folder) and would help expedite that search. 

The hard copy of the game will begin being shipped out by the end of August to the mailing address we have on file. So, while you are double checking your email address, please be sure to check your mailing address as well. 

If you need to update your address before then, no problem, please send an email to [email protected] and we will assist you with any updates. 

The "Print and Play" Workbook (PDF) will be emailed to the email address on file in August when the hard copy game sets are being mailed. This Workbook comes with the Educator Set and Educator Bundle. If you ordered just the "Game Set" and would like to order the Workbook ($15), feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will provide you a special link to order the Workbook directly. 

Thank you again for all of your patience and support of this new board game!

Updates will begin to be more frequent as we head into the summer so please keep an eye out for them on our Kickstarter page at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/disparitytrap/disparity-trap-board-game/posts


over 2 years ago – Mon, May 09, 2022 at 04:26:50 PM

Hope you are all having a great start to your New Year! 

Wanted to provide you some quick updates on The Disparity Trap board game.

This whole board game creation experience has been very illuminating. Taking a complex idea surrounding social justice and making a fully playable, fun, and educational board game out of thin air has been more inspiring than I could have ever imagined, and I am so grateful & excited for the opportunity!

Learning the ins-and-outs of creating a board game has been an extraordinary journey thus far. Not only working on a hard copy board game but also a completely virtual online version has been like making TWO board games, instead of one. 

I've basically been spending weeknights from 9pm - 4am on Zoom calls with developers in India for the virtual version and then weekdays designing the game and communicating with manufacturers in China for the hard copy version. 

It goes without saying that this has been a wild ride already and I can't wait for you all to start playing the game. 

As development continues on all fronts I wanted to give you the latest estimate of delivery. Past estimates were April/May for the game and we are looking at being closer to June with the hard copy game. And for the mobile virtual game being exclusively downloadable on Apple's app store and Google's play store as early as the first week in June.

This exclusive download is especially exciting because it is only available to those who have backed the Kickstarter or have pre-ordered the game.  

You will be able to share it with your friends/family and play with them virtually! 

If you would like to receive a special reminder about the exclusive download, don't worry we will be sending you a direct email to the address we have on file. 

If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to email us at [email protected].

Thanks so much!

over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 05, 2022 at 02:02:12 PM

Happy Holidays to you all! 

Wow, can't believe it's already the end of the year but we do have some updates for you!

We are still working on developing the board game for both the hard copy game set and virtually online. 

We were initially aiming for a virtual release of the board game before the end of the year because we knew so many of you wanted to play this game with your families back home. It was so important to us to make that happen but as it stands today, we won't be able to get a fully functional virtual version of the board game published in time for this Christmas. 

This journey has been a learning experience for me, personally as a new board game creator. From working with factories/manufacturers in China during the days, to speaking with coders/developers in India during the nights. In all, it's been a very rewarding experience that I continue to cherish as I move forward. Even learning and respecting each country's own traditions, cultures and business practices has been inspirational in many ways. 

I'm also grateful to the many friends, family and playtesters who've been providing invaluable insight along the way. As well as my mentors within the board game industry helping me to build something that is bigger than myself, and quite frankly bigger than all of us.

Based on current projections, our manufacturing and freight shipping timeline of end of April/May 2022 delivery is still on track. And publishing a fully functional virtual board game for online & mobile is looking closer to March 2022 delivery. 

And remember, anyone who has backed the Kickstarter campaign or completed a pre-order of the game in 2021 will receive access to the online version for free!

Some additional good news to share with you is that I have been in talks with a couple major retailers to get the board game into your local communities in 2022 as well! I can't name them just yet, but I'm super excited to share those details when they are finalized.

2021 was such a blessing for many reasons and it was in no small part due to all of your loving and generous support of this revolutionary board game. 

2022 is going to be an even MORE amazing year so please keep an eye on our Kickstarter page for more updates along the way. 

If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to email us at [email protected].

almost 3 years ago – Sun, Nov 14, 2021 at 09:01:05 PM


From the original Kickstarter backers to the more recent pre-order supporters, you all have made such a huge impact on the development of this new board game and we wanted to provide you all some very recent updates. 

First, the Kickstarter ad has been growing on Facebook and has over 1M views, if you would like to share it with others check that out below. 

Second, as the publicity of the game has grows so has some fun opportunities. I did radio interview the other with ChipChat, a podcast based in DC. If you care to watch/listen check it out on one of the platforms below - (starts around 49:30 min mark)





I've also been in communication with so many schools, companies and institutions that have expressed their interest in the Disparity Trap board game and the Workbook that comes with the Educator Set.  If you would like to know more about the Educator Set or the Educator Bundle (comes with Workbooks and a discounted price of 4 games sets to entertain up to 24 players) you can visit our newly updated pre-order page at www.DisparityTrap.net. 

Last, but certainly not least, we have continued working with manufacturers in creating the hard copy version of the board game. With this process takes much time, as we work with factories in China and they coordinate the backlog of clients on their end. It was also brought to our attention a couple weeks ago that their is a severe "Supply Chain" backup across the world that is impacting nearly every industry and since our board game requires everything from paper, wood, plastic, etc. the factories are being impacted at even the smallest of levels. 

If you are interested in learning more, here is a recent article highlighting the hurdles that are pushing our deliveries further out into 2022: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/18/supply-chain-chaos-is-hitting-global-growth-and-could-get-worse.html

But don't you worry! 

If I had let every hurdle stop me in this journey there wouldn't have even been a Kickstarter campaign! And this definitely wont stop us.

What this means is that we will be refocusing resources and energy towards getting a virtual board game version made and delivered before the hard copy version comes out.

This temporary pivot will take time but wont take the additional 4-5 months that it's looking like the hard copy version will take for us. 

So while we wait on the hard copy to be delivered we are going to get a virtual version into every person's hands that backed the Kickstarter campaign or makes a pre-order purchases before the end of 2021.

We don't have a delivery deadline available for the virtual version at this moment but we are working our hardest to have something to you all by Christmas Day. We will post more updates over the coming weeks to keep you posted. 

What's Next From Here:

As we work on this virtual board game version, we will keep everyone posted about the hard copy version here (as usual). If you have any friends, family or co-workers who were waiting for a virtual version or to purchase the hard copy version later, let them know now is the time to purchase so that they get BOTH for the price of ONE.  

Share the Game:

Facebook Ad: https://www.facebook.com/103588388469410/posts/516572789408228

Youtube Ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enDH5aGHuMY


Email us at [email protected]

Can't wait to share the next update about the virtual board game with you all! Thank you for your continued support!