WOWOWOW! The First Prototype is Here!
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 12:47:12 PM
Take a look! The first prototype has arrived and it's so exciting! Check out this first look photo of the very first game set made.
Since our successful Kickstarter campaign, It's been a long road of designing, verifying, proofing, redesining, reverifying and reproofing but we are so close to beginning mass production on the Disparity Trap board game!
If you haven't pre-ordered yet or would like to still get in on the first distribution run of the game, please visit our website at And if you have any questions feel free to email us at [email protected].
We hope to update you again very soon once we have begun mass production!
GAME TIMELINE + A STEADY CLIMB (Over 2,000 ordered)
over 3 years ago
– Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 11:53:26 AM
Counting the pledges and pre-orders thus far we have surpassed 2,100 game sets ordered!
Thank you to every single one of you who've pledged and/or pre-ordered the board game.
Our goal is to continue selling pre-orders as long as possible so that as many of you who find our Kickstarter can join in before we start shipping at the end of this year.
Curious to what's involved in getting a board game off the ground?
Here's a sneak peek into our timeline for Disparity Trap!
over 3 years ago
– Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 06:38:52 PM
What a month this has been!
We completed our campaign well beyond our goal, we have sent our surveys to backers so that we can confirm rewards and shipping addresses, and we have launched our PRE-ORDER STORE.
To pre-order your board game NOW, before we close up shop, click here:
If you currently backer of our Kickstarter and have completed the survey THANK YOU! If you haven't completed the survey, please check your email or look at the update we posted right before this one for more details.
The last day to make final updates to your order will be in July. After that date, we will lock your reward selections and charge cards for add-on item purchases, pledge upgrades, and pre-orders. You can update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping.
If you completed a pre-order you don't have to worry about doing a survey, as you completed the survey during your purchase.
If you fill out your BackerKit survey or pay for extra shipping after the deadline due date, we’ll still receive your information but your shipment may be delayed.
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at
Thank you all again for being so responsive to answering our BackerKit survey—even though it may not seem like much as an individual backer, you have no idea how tremendously helpful this has been for us when trying to keep track of all 464 of you!
Thanks everyone for your support!
It's Backer Survey Time!
over 3 years ago
– Sat, May 29, 2021 at 07:08:10 PM
We are excited to announce that we have transferred all Backer pledges to our pledge management tool, BackerKit. We know that we have a lot of Backers who have not used Kickstarter or BackerKit before so we’ve included a thorough set of instructions and FAQ items below.
How do I get my invitation?
You should receive an email from BackerKit this week with a link to your account that includes all your Backer information in it. Due to the large number of Backers, it will take a few days for ALL the emails to go out. Please be patient. (And don’t forget to check your spam folder.)
- If you do not receive your BackerKit email by June 7th, just go to this link, enter your Kickstarter (or Paypal) email address, and click on the "Get My Survey" button. You will be sent a new email with a link to your account.
- If you use your Facebook login for your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey will be sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account.
- If you have another email address that you would prefer to use, please contact BackerKit support at [email protected] and they'll get you sorted out.
Do I *Really* Need to Go to BackerKit?
Yes! All Backers must go to their BackerKit account to confirm the shipping address for delivery.
This account is also where you will return for your digital rewards (like access to your Workbook - if you pledged for the Educator Set or Educator Bundle) so when you’re done, we suggest you make a BackerKit login and password so you can easily return to your account at a later date.
Can I Upgrade My Pledge Level or Purchase Add-Ons?
Yes, you can upgrade your pledge level, purchase Add-Ons. If you upgrade or purchase Add-Ons, you will need to input payment information in BackerKit. You will be charged within 48 hours of completing your upgrade or add-on.
Can I Change My Survey Answers Later?
Yes, you can update or modify your survey answers anytime before we begin shipping. Simply click on the same personalized email link and it will take you to BackerKit where you can modify your responses. We will be sure to let you know when we are close to shipping, and when we will "lock down" the survey (estimated for July 2021). One thing to note is that you must fill out the entire survey before we can ship your reward.
What Should I Enter As My Shipping Address If I Might Move?
You should enter the shipping address that you expect to have in July 2021. If you have no idea what that address will be, then we recommend entering a relative or close friends address at this time (be sure to let them know you are using their U.S mailing address). We will let everyone know when we are close to shipping, and at that time you can enter your current address or modify the address that you entered previously.
BackerKit FAQ
1. I didn’t get my BackerKit email invite. What do I do? The easiest thing to do is resend your invite to yourself! Just go here:, enter your Kickstarter (or Paypal) email address, and click on the "Get My Survey" button. You will be sent a new email with a link to your account.
2. I forgot my BackerKit password. How do I get it? Just go here:, enter your Kickstarter (or Paypal) email address, and click on the "Get My Survey" button. You will be sent a new email with a link to your account.
3. I want to sign back into, but I don’t remember the email I used for my account. How do I get it? It should be your Kickstarter (or Paypal) account email. If that doesn’t work, please email [email protected] and they will help you.
4. I have a question about BackerKit that isn’t covered here. What do I do? Head over to, or email the team directly at [email protected]. They’re happy to help!
5. Why do I have to use BackerKit again? The BackerKit folks are experts in streamlining the process of delivering crowd-funded rewards. Using their service allows our team to maintain focus on making a great game.
Our team has been busy getting BackerKit all set up, we’ll be back with an update before the end of next week with more details on expecting mass production & shipping timelines.
For now, keep an eye on your emails this coming week! And review this update as often as needed.
Christian Telesmar
Thank you + Next Steps
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, May 15, 2021 at 08:24:04 PM
Thank you for making our project a reality! 464 backers came together to support the Disparity Trap board game and we are so appreciative of every single one of you!
A few things need to happen before we can kick off production and fulfillment.
Here's a quick rundown:
- First, Kickstarter needs to transfer the funds so we have the money to make the orders. This standard period will happen over the next 2 weeks.
- Second, we have to find out where we need to ship the rewards. We will be sending our BackerKit survey out to collect this information once we have completed the Kickstarter 2 week transfer window.
We’ll give you a heads-up before we send the survey so that you can watch for it. You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to answer your survey. The invitation email contains a link to your personal survey. Once you receive this invitation email, it is important to submit your responses as quickly as you can since we need this information to process your rewards.
If you need to change your survey responses, purchase add-on items, or update your shipping information, you can click the link in your survey email again or request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page that is provided in the survey email.
If you prefer, you can just message us your info, but we STRONGLY SUGGEST using BackerKit as you will have the opportunity to add ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS on to your current pledge and help us make the shipping process SEAMLESS! This will help out our project tremendously, and help us get your rewards out to you quicker!
Note, if you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey link is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact me at [email protected].
Lastly, for anyone who missed out on backing the project during the Kickstarter, you will get one more chance to pledge! We will be opening a PRE-ORDER STORE through Backerkit shortly. Keep an eye out on the updates for more information.
Again, thanks for all your support. We can’t wait to send you your Disparity Trap board game rewards.
Christian Telesmar and the Disparity Trap Team