Disparity Trap Board Game

Created by Christian Telesmar

The dice are in your hands, but the odds are not!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 4 years ago – Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 06:28:39 PM

We have made it 75% of the way to our Kickstarter goal!

Over 300 backers have pledged nearly $16,200.00 to the Disparity Trap Kickstarter within the FIRST 72 HOURS.

So thank you!

If you have yet to make your pledge, there is no better time than the present. Early pledging is greatly appreciated, as early momentum is important to the success of a campaign.

Thank you in advance for prioritizing your pledge and support the Disparity Trap Kickstarter!

Don't wait: The $25 tier may be gone but the $35 tier is still available for a limited time!

almost 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 07:21:00 PM


Thank you to our first 107 backers thus far and to the many others rolling in their pledges as we write this post! 

We're so excited to bring Disparity Trap to you! We're off to a great start and we've still got 23 days left to reach our goal, but we could still use your help to spread the word. 

Early pledging is greatly appreciated, as early momentum is important to the success of a campaign. So thank you in advance for prioritizing your pledge now rather than waiting until later.

As I'm sure you all know by now, Kickstarter projects are all or nothing, so if we don't reach our goal we won't receive any funding and production of Disparity Trap will be indefinitely postponed. 

Those of you reading this, if you wouldn't mind taking the extra step to share it with your friends it would be greatly appreciated.

The board game design is nearly completed and our manufacturer is ready and waiting for us.

We've had a few questions come up about the project and rewards that we're answering in the FAQ section which appears below our project description. Please take a look and feel free to message us through Kickstarter with any other questions.

Thanks again for your support!

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